Behavior Coaching Lab

Free Consultation
Emotions are like waves. Sometimes they ripple in gently and other times they come rushing in. 
Either way, let's ride the waves. 
~Dr. Janis Modeste

Empowering Kids & Teens

All behavior is communication. We understand that each students' communications and needs may vary. Book your free assessment today! Let's get started with your student's VIP (Vibes Individualized Plan).

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Benefits of Behavior Coaching

Emotional Control: Providing self regulation tools and resources for home and school.

Reduce Anxiety: Learn techniques to de-stress. Get age appropriate resources for mindfulness.

Accomplish Goals: Help students accomplish goals with organization and life skills for balance.

VIBES Curriculum: We provide individualized visual cue cards for behavior and emotional control/awareness.

Tutoring: Acquire academic skills to close learning gaps.

What Is Behavior Coaching?

At VIBES, we use Research-Based Intervention strategies that empower our students. Early access to Behavioral Intervention Coaching is designed to prevent the onset of more serious mental health conditions like stress, anxiety and depression before they occur. Coaches take a positive, active, and goal-oriented approach to wellness. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.

While coaching may include the application of techniques from the field of psychology, it is not therapy. Both behavior coaching and therapy can work well together or separately. Our coaches uses various Research-Based Behavior Intervention Strategies to support your student's emotional wellness.

VIBES Behavior Coaching-

VIBES: Varying Interventions for Behavioral & Emotional Supports

Students who display ADHD characteristics or neurodivergence may benefit greatly from Behavior Coaching.

We create intervention plans using the 4 R's of Behavior Intervention: Reduce, Replace, Reinforce & Respond. We know it takes a village so we support parents and teachers as well for a more comprehensive approach to behavioral support.

Emotional | Academic Support

Kids, teens or college students need support with:
  • Behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Self Esteem
  • Emotional control
  • New habits/routines
  • Positive mindset
  • Organization & Planning
Filling Academic Gaps:
In addition to behavior, we offer monthly Concept Skill Building classes for reading & math. We realize that emotions can sometimes get in the way of learning. Whether gifted or have difficulty learning- Let us fill those gaps. 

From beginners to College Level, we pick the topics that are usually more difficult for students and create a calm, encouraging and positive learning experience that build student's self esteem.  Visit or call us. If you'd like specific tutoring subjects and schedule, please visit our "Tutoring Lab" Page.  

 Behavior Coaching Effects On Academics

Addressing the Mental, Emotional and Behavioral needs of students is vital to the empowerment and success of students. Durlak, et. al, 2011, used a meta-analysis and found that with this implementation:

Produced an 11 percentile academic points increase compared to students who did not participate. 
Improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school. 
Has lifelong economic and social implications way into adulthood. 

Academics: Fill those learning gaps! We give students proven strategies on test taking skills as well as organizational and planning skills. This will help their mental and emotional health while ensuring success in the classroom. 

Remember, Emotions Matter!

Get your student support today.

Coaching VS. Therapy

Therapists manage mental illnesses and diagnoses, coaches do not. Our Behavior Intervention Coaches work with clients for short or long periods of time based on student need. 

Often therapists are focused on the past and present, while coaches are future-oriented. Our coaches focuses on tools and strategies for self-regulation and emotions management using Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Strategies (CBIS).

Come into our center to learn more. 

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